Friends of Streatham Common AGM: Virtual Meeting Wednesday 28th October 2020 @7.00pm

It is obviously not possible to hold any form of normal AGM this year. The FOSC executive committee has therefore decided that we will have a short, essential business only AGM. It will start at 7pm Wednesday 28th October. It will be an online event.

Proxy voting is allowed by the Friends’ Constitution and this year it is encouraged by the FoSC Trustees for this virtual AGM . So if you are happy to support the election of Trustees and Officers listed below, plus agreeing that the membership subscription prices should remain the same, please help us by emailing the Chair at saying “please act as my proxy for my vote supporting all the proposals listed on the Agenda for the FoSC AGM”.

Alternatively, if you would like to attend this short online meeting live, please email that you would like to and we will send you a link to the meeting. If you would like to ask any questions, please submit them in advance before 21st October.

The agenda is attached to this email and all other documentation relating to the AGM can be viewed using the following link:

Friends of Streatham Common

Trustees, Officers and Executive for re-election 2020

Tracey Williamson and Dave Malley are standing down as Trustees having served for 3 years but are willing to stand again, Lizzie O’Grady is standing down as she is moving.

The following have been proposed and seconded as Trustees:
Tracey Williamson
Dave Malley

Other Trustees:
Harriet Blacklay
Claire Hopkins
Mike Robinson
Peter Newmark
Nick Cattermole

The following Officers are up for election:
Officers (Who must be Trustees)

Chair – Tracey Williamson
Vice Chair – Claire Hopkins
Secretary – Harriet Blacklay
Treasurer – Nick Cattermole

Officers (who need not be Trustees)
Membership Officer – Caroline Hewitt
Volunteer co-ordinator – Richard Payne standing down
Publicity and Social Media Officer – Richard Payne standing for election in new post
Common Knowledge Editor – Peter Newmark

Executive Members
Andrew Simpson


Tracey Williamson

Friends of Streatham Common

September litter pick

Just a quick note to say thank you to those that came down to help clear the litter from the Covington Way Woods and to Mike Robinson for organising it

In the end we managed to fill 18 bags of rubbish so a big thank you to Anne, Juliet and Kay who were led by Dr Iain Boulton from Lambeth. A great job all round!

Feel free to contact Mike Robinson at if you’d like to come along on one of our litter picks.

Commercial activity on the Common

Commercial activity on the Common

We enjoy seeing you all using the common to keep fit and take in the environment. The lock-down has meant that we have many groups unable to use their normal exercise centres and have taken to using the common. We very much welcome these groups, but all commercial activities must have a license to operate. Please contact Lambeth Council licensing dept if you do not already have one.

The common has been busier than usual over the last 6 months and we need above all to respect each-others space in these difficult times when we all are using the open space for many different needs; exercise, but also for peace, appreciation of nature and just the need to ‘be’.

Please keep to the simple rules below so we are all clear where we stand.

CANCELLED: Bat Walk: 25th September 2020 @ 7.00pm

CANCELLED: Bat Walk: 25th September 2020 @ 7.00pm

10/09/20: Due to new government restrictions on public gatherings on more than 6 people, our planned bat walk has been cancelled until further notice. We know many of you were looking forward to it. We will keep you posted with any updates on the FoSC webpage

#wearamask #washyourhands

Unless restrictions prevent it, this walk will start at 7.00pm by the Rookery main gates. Numbers will be capped and regulations, such as social distancing, may apply.

Join Dr Iain Boulton for an evening walk & talk about one of our very popular residents, the much misunderstood bat. Now protected, they are a small but important pollinator & pest controller for our common.

Bring a torch.

Bat detectors will be available.

Free, but booking is essential.
Book your place at

Meet by the Rookery gates at 7.00pm
Free event – donations welcome

For more information on the British Bat population – please go to

Christmas Carols & FoSC Party: 4th December 2019

Christmas Carols & FoSC  Party: 4th December 2019

Join in the carol singing by the crib at the foot of the Common from 7.00pm.
There will be mulled wine and mince pies. Singing starts at 7.30pm.

Its that time of year again where we get to say thank you to members for their support so The Friends Christmas party at The Bull pub with some lovely food & wine will follow the singing.

The party is for members only, including those who join on the night.

NOT A MEMBER? No fear! Join now and give yourself an early Christmas present – or better still, give someone the gift of a FoSC membership!
Individuals – £6 / Families & Organisations – £12
Concessions – £2.40 / Concession Families – £4.80

Donations welcome:

Join Us!

The Friends of Streatham Common [FoSC] is a voluntary organisation involved in mounting public events on the Common and in providing community views of the maintenance and development of the area in a way that balances the needs of diverse groups of users.

With your support we can continue to publish the regular newsletter, Common Knowledge, run events (such as Kite Day, Shakespeare in the Rookery, the Fun Dog Show, the Christmas Carol singing and Party, bird walks, bat walks, treasure hunts) and put pressure on Lambeth Council to maintain and improve facilities and nature conservation on Streatham Common and in the Rookery Gardens.

Click here to join online now


  • Individuals – £6
  • Families / Organisations – £12
  • Concessions – £2.40
  • Concession Families – £4.80

Annual membership can be paid either by cheque or online, using your bank or PayPal. Membership can be paid by Standing Order (our preference), by Cheque or Online. Unless paid by Standing Order, memberships run from January to December.

An alternative way is to
CLICK HERE to download our membership form.

If you have any problems, please let us know.

We would also be very grateful for any additional donation you are able to make.

Thank you very much for your support.





















Visiting Streatham Common?

Visiting Streatham Common?

Streatham Common is our wonderful piece of open green space in our built up City.  The space is used for many things, celebrating, relaxing, sports, nature, walking, or just sitting and thinking. Given we all use our space in different ways – please be aware of basic rules that are in place [Lambeth Council byelaws], so that all users can enjoy.

Although we have some litter bins in place, the cuts to our budget mean the Common is overwhelmed with rubbish on sunny days. Please clear up your picnic after you, bring home and recycle. Bagging up rubbish and leaving next to bins is unhelpful as foxes & other wildlife shred bags overnight. If the bin is full – take it home.  None of the litter collections are recycled. Broken glass is of particular concern to all users of the common.

The cost of clearing up litter means budgets [government spending forced a 70% reduction for the Common] are diverted away from maintaining other parts of the common, including the playground. We are all responsible for our own waste, it is not fair or sustainable to simply say it is someones else’s job.  To continue enjoying the beautiful space of the Common – it is every persons responsibility to leave no trace.

The heat from small portable BBQs and fires scorch and destroy the grassland and are banned. The common is a nature reserve and any introduction of fire is devastating to our small but delicate flora & fauna that is dotted around the common. Many insects and birds relay on how our environment is maintained. The fire brigade may be called to put out your BBQ.
[Ref Bylaw 10. (1 & 2 )]

There has been an increase in groups using loudhailers to assist with sports events and group gatherings. We encourage people joining together to enjoy the outdoors, but using loudhailers to co-ordinate party games or unauthorised sports events is not allowed. The sound carries over the entire common, disturbing everyone in earshot. Playing loud music from either mobile speakers or from parked cars on the Common. With regard to Excessive noise, the byelaws specify –
No person shall, after being requested to desist by any other person in the grounds:
(a) by shouting or singing;
(b) by playing on a musical instrument; or (c) by operating or permitting to be operated any radio, amplifier, tape recorder or similar device, make or permit to be made any noise which is so loud or so continuous or repeated as to give reasonable cause for annoyance to other persons in the ground.
[ ref bylaw 39. (1) ]

These are NOT allowed on any Lambeth greenspace. It is illegal to fly your drone over a congested area, never fly within 50 metres of a person, vehicle or building
not under your control. Drones must be registered and can be seized by the police. Respect your neighbours right to peace & privacy.  [cap 393; the air navigation order 2016 (ano)]

Cars Motorbikes and Quad bikes are NOT permitted anywhere on the Common unless permission given. They cause damage and are not allowed anywhere on the grass.
This also includes vehicles selling goods or services – including Ice cream vans [Only permitted to sell by the playground, on the pavement and nowhere else on the Common] [ Bylaw 16]

Damage to the common will not be tolerated. [ Ref Bylaws 4 & 43 ]

Very welcome, but owners must by law pick up after their dogs and dispose in bins. Not picking up your dogs poop can land you a FPN OF £100 in the LB of Lambeth.
Please keep your dog on a lead if you are unable to control by commands. If another dog owner asks you to pull your dog away – it is considered respectful to do so.

As everywhere else in the UK, the use of drug taking on the Common is against the law. An increased use of balloons and Nitrous Oxide [laughing gas] has been particularly noticeable due to the huge amount of debris left behind. The leftover capsules if not disposed of responsibly are very dangerous to children and pets who can bite or swallow them. Possesion of Nitrous oxide has an  FPN OF £100 in the LB of Lambeth. [Ref Lambeth PSPO]

The full PDF from Lambeth council on Byelaws can be found here: lsp-parks-open-spaces-byelaws(1)

There is a small car park at the top of Streatham Common South -SW16 3HR. Street parking is difficult on weekdays and weekends when the weather is good.
New restrictions have been introduced on Streatham Common South and surrounding roads – Double yellow lines mean no parking at any time. Streatham High Street has no parking, and Streatham Common North has virtually no parking areas as it is also a busy road. Thankfully there are great transport links to the Common.

GETTING HERE: Google map

Bus services are regular and stop directly outside Streatham Common
    50 – Croydon – Streatham – Clapham – Stockwell
    60 – Old Coulsdon – Purley – Croydon – Streatham
    109 – Croydon – Streatham – Brixton
    118 – Brixton – Streatham – Morden
    249 – Clapham Common – Norwood – Anerley
    250 – Brixton – Streatham – Norbury – Thornton Heath Pond – West Croydon – Croydon Town Centre
    255 – Pollards Hill – Norbury – Streatham Common – Balham
    417 – Crystal Palace – Streatham – Clapham Common
    G1 – Streatham – Tooting – Battersea
    N109 – Croydon – Streatham – Oxford Circus
    N133 – Morden – Streatham – Liverpool Street
    N137 – Crystal Palace – Clapham – Oxford Circus

    The 133 & 333 terminate a little walk away at Streatham Bus Garage

Overland train stations serving the Common are:
    Streatham Common
– both are about a 12 minute walk to the Common.

A co-operative to run the Common

Supported by the Friends of Streatham Common, the Streatham Common Co-operative (SCCoop) hopes to take over the management and running of the Common and the Rookery. SCCoop would have a large membership of local people and employ dedicated and easily identifiable staff to work on the Common.

If this idea appeals to you, find out more and show your support by signing up at