It is obviously not possible to hold any form of normal AGM this year. The FOSC executive committee has therefore decided that we will have a short, essential business only AGM. It will start at 7pm Wednesday 28th October. It will be an online event.
Proxy voting is allowed by the Friends’ Constitution and this year it is encouraged by the FoSC Trustees for this virtual AGM . So if you are happy to support the election of Trustees and Officers listed below, plus agreeing that the membership subscription prices should remain the same, please help us by emailing the Chair at saying “please act as my proxy for my vote supporting all the proposals listed on the Agenda for the FoSC AGM”.
Alternatively, if you would like to attend this short online meeting live, please email that you would like to and we will send you a link to the meeting. If you would like to ask any questions, please submit them in advance before 21st October.
The agenda is attached to this email and all other documentation relating to the AGM can be viewed using the following link:
Friends of Streatham Common
Trustees, Officers and Executive for re-election 2020
Tracey Williamson and Dave Malley are standing down as Trustees having served for 3 years but are willing to stand again, Lizzie O’Grady is standing down as she is moving.
The following have been proposed and seconded as Trustees:
Tracey Williamson
Dave Malley
Other Trustees:
Harriet Blacklay
Claire Hopkins
Mike Robinson
Peter Newmark
Nick Cattermole
The following Officers are up for election:
Officers (Who must be Trustees)
Chair – Tracey Williamson
Vice Chair – Claire Hopkins
Secretary – Harriet Blacklay
Treasurer – Nick Cattermole
Officers (who need not be Trustees)
Membership Officer – Caroline Hewitt
Volunteer co-ordinator – Richard Payne standing down
Publicity and Social Media Officer – Richard Payne standing for election in new post
Common Knowledge Editor – Peter Newmark
Executive Members
Andrew Simpson
Tracey Williamson
Friends of Streatham Common