Doggy Splash Day 13th October 2019 11:00

Doggy Splash Day 13th October 2019 11:00

The day all dogs wait for in their furry calendar. So lovely to watch dogs go wild in the surf…well at least the pool anyway! All gets very excitable. Humans allowed in also if you are well behaved.

From 11.00am until 5.00pm in the paddling pool. A chance for all dogs to splash around in the pool before it closes down for the year. Non dog owners welcome to come and watch the fun.

A donation is requested with monies raised going towards supporting the Childrens paddling pool at the top of the Common for 2019


The event is run entirely by volunteers so even if you are not a member and just a dog lover – we welcome any help you can give us on the day to steward the event. Please contact us at


Scruffs Dog Show 8th September 2019 12:00

Scruffs Dog Show 8th September 2019 12:00

Friends of Streatham Common are hosting ‘Scruffs’ Fun Dog Show on Streatham Common. This years theme is Horror Movies! 

Registration opens 12pm and costs £1.50. Starts at 1pm.
All proceeds go to Friends of Streatham Common and Pets as Therapy.

John Rhodes has run the dog show for 20 years now. He has worked tirelessly for both Pets as therapy and the FoSC. Lets give him some payback this year. We need volunteers. So any dog lovers out there. please let us know ASAP!

The annual fun show for dogs of any age, shape or size, now in its 21st year! We have the following categories
Cutest Puppy
Prettiest Bitch
Handsomest Dog
Best Rescue
Best Veteran
Parade of PAT Dogs
7 Legged race
Dog and Spoon Race

On the Common opposite the cafe.  From 12.00 until 5.00pm.