Governance and Charitable Status

The Friends of Streatham Common started as a local community voluntary association and on 6th May 2016 we registered with the Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).  This made us a Registered Charity (1166961) and required us to adopt a new constitution, based on the Charity Commission’s CIO template.

You can view or download a copy of our new CIO Constitution here.

The new constitution remains true to the aims and spirit of our previous community voluntary association constitution (still available here) which was adopted at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 24th June 2014.  The revised constitution was put to the membership and approved at our AGM held at the Immanuel and St Andrew church hall on 1st September 2016.

A short Q and A on why we thought it was a good idea to become a Registered Charity, and what it means for the members and those who are elected as Trustees or who help run the Friends, is available to view or download here.

The Friends is run by its Trustees, who delegate the day to day running of the charity to an Executive Committee.  Trustees and members of the Executive are elected at our AGM each year.  We hold monthly committee meetings at a local venue which all members are welcome to attend, just to observe or to contribute.