It rained and rained, but even the dismal weather couldn’t hold back the joy felt by the dogs who got their once a year treat on Doggy Splash Day. Lots of soggy jolly dogs went home tired and happy, with only one little spat to report. Amazing given the amount of dogs in the pool at any one time. They could teach our humans a thing or two!
Doggy Splash Day is held on the last day that the pool has water in before being drained for the winter. It is organised by John Rhodes, long serving volunteer to the Friends of Streatham Common, and Pets as Therapy. This event raises money for the paddling pool.
The pool is only able to open through the hard work of volunteers all year round. Dogs are charged a fee for entry, with this, plus the raffles and money donated by stalls raised a grand total of £1200 this year. This is in addition to the £200 raised for the pool at Scruffs Dog show [donations split between FoSC & Pets as Therapy].
John will be carrying on the paddling pool fundraising through until Christmas with his Bic-a-Brac stall outside the Rookery Cafe. This will be open between 9 – 12 everyday. Please give generously.
We ask all parents & families, who use the pool in the summer months to keep this fabulous asset to the community open – we need your help. We want to keep this asset free to use for all our community. Fund raising cannot remain the responsibility of a few core members of FoSC – we need the community to help.
To support the aims and work of the Friends of Streatham Common, you can make a donation through our Just giving page

All images copyright of Amanda Taylor-Purchase. October 2019