Update: Great North Wood Project

the volunteers at SCCOOPNews just in about the nature of the works being undertaken in the woodland by SCCoop and the London Wildlife Trust as part of the Great North Wood project.

The project is now up and running with a dedicated team and project manager, Andrew Wright. You can find out more about the project here, and sign up for their newsletter too http://www.wildlondon.org.uk/great-north-wood .

 You will remember that one of the plans was to fence off an area of the woodland to allow the severely eroded soil level to regenerate. The fencing will help this by discouraging pedestrian traffic allowing vegetation to build up and replenish the soil level. There may even be the opportunity for some woodland planting! Well the first stage of the project is underway. The attached diagram shows the location of the area to be fenced off. As you can see the area is adjacent to the ride. It has an approx. 180m circumference. The reason this area was chosen is that the tree canopy above is still fairly thin and will allow light into the site and also that there exists at least some soil Woodland-fencing on streatham common 2017 autumnpresence. The fencing is sensitive – chestnut paling with sturdy stakes and was delivered today.

SCCoop and LWT held an information drop-in session on 18th October to present some of the planned works and although numbers were low, people understand the reasons for the work.

The work is planned for 20th, 21st and 23rd November this will be led by LWT and SCCoop so do please come along if you can!

Contact dominic.leary @ sccoop.org.uk


One thought on “Update: Great North Wood Project

  • January 6, 2018 at 7:36 pm

    Would it be possible at least to tidy up the fenced off area of the woodland so that the fence poles are the same height as the palings? At the moment they stand proud by up to a foot in some cases and the look of the structure might appear a little better if the stakes and the uprights were flush. Many thanks.


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