Urgent: Funding Appeal February 2020

The following message is from Richard Payne – Chair of the Streatham Common Co-operative [Sccoop]

“As you know, SCCoop and Mered particularly, SCCoop’s head ranger, have been working up in the woodlands carrying out important works (with groups like LWT and the Great North Woods Project) to try to preserve and improve the woodlands. In my non-eco speak – this includes schemes to reducing soil erosion which is a very real threat to the woodlands, trying to get the woodland to live again (hence some fenced off bits), and also building things like the new steps to open up the woodlands, but also help reduce erosion.

Mered’s work is mostly carried out by volunteers and we’ve seen 100s of people get involved – some through organised charities like Mencap providing really valuable activities for them, some corporate volunteers, some just sign up through the website. So good for the woods – good for society too!  And more people in the woods means as safer woods.

We’d love to be able to carry on funding Mered’s work, but with the cut from the council this means we have a 50k funding gap to fill. Most of the money FoSC has put aside to date is already going towards keeping the core horticulture in the Rookery going.  So we need to fund this from elsewhere.

We have a huge opportunity right now to fund this for 2 years with the GLA’s help. https://www.spacehive.com/streatham-community-woodland-project

This scheme basically means that if get 8/9k pledged by Monday 24th Feb (a fraction of the total) – the GLA put in the rest – so could be worth 18k.  We have some big donors lined up hopefully ready to pledge to get us closer to the total, but also we need to get the number of individuals large as well – over 100 for sure.

So however small, if you can pledge something to the project, we’ll be able to keep the woodland work going this year and next.

And if that’s not enough reason for you, Mered’s got seasonal ponds planned as well – (ponds on the common being a long term FoSC ambition)

So please help with a donation, and please forward this email, or help spread the word through your favourite social media means!


Any support is hugely appreciated”


SCCoop  (Chair of board)

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