Following up from the Lambeth 2020 vision, which has proved problematic & controversial for many residents who value their green space, a new consultation is up for public engagement.
The consultation is open to comments from 11 March to 5 May 2019. Please click here for link
We cannot stress how important it is that everyone who uses a local green space in Lambeth, not just Streatham Common, responds to this consultation.
There is increased public awareness on how the council needs to be more transparent and accountable to ordinary users of green spaces and local volunteer groups, like the Friends of Streatham Common. These are the people who end up trying to manage the aftermath associated with heavy intense use of the spaces as well as litter and environmental issues. We need to challenge how open spaces are being used for events that provide little return to the surrounding community but maximum damage and disruption.
Whilst we are sympathetic that our council has had to endure severe funding cuts, the current Parks Investment Levy (PIL) charged to private companies using parks and open spaces is not fit for purpose, nor is it transparent.
Friends of Streatham Common is pressing for a fallow year allowing the ground to rest [much like Glastonbury does from time to time]. We still have damage from a large music event held four years ago, and the ground has not yet recovered from the circus in March 2018 which churned up a major part of the lower Common in spite of local residents and FoSC members pleading with them to cease moving in heavy mud. So extreme was the damage, it meant that other events, including free community events such as Kite Day, had to be postponed. In order for the common to be environmentally stable, to regain some balance it needs a break.
We need to ensure that better planning is put in place by officials, that decisions made for financial gain should properly benefit the surrounding community, and that there is a more hands on approach as to when and how these events are licensed.
Please consider responding to the council with your opinion. Please give examples if you can. It can make all the difference.